Sunday, May 31, 2009

I forgot to put the picture up before

This is my precious little girl as we are trying to get ready for bed. She had a nice bath and was all lotioned up. I put on her diaper with a little baby powder and turned to get her PJs. She has learned to undo he diaper, so when I turned she grabbed that diaper and threw it over her head. All the baby powder went everywhere and she had the biggest smile on her face.

You have to love them when things like this happen. She really does make our days interesting.

She is 8 months old now. Her stats will be up tomorrow!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Lost My Camera!!!

So the reason I haven't blogged is because I CAN'T FIND MY CAMERA!!!! I am so mad. We are still looking for it, but it is driving us crazy.

Well to catch up, Mackenzie is officially CRAWLING!! She is all over the place. She started last Thursday really moving, but on Saturday she was everywhere. She is into everything and loves Daddy's electronics. She also pulls herself to stand up on things such as the couch. She can walk down the couch when she is trying to get to something.

She loves her baths and now is trying to drink the water.

When Daddy takes her outside to play in the grass she tries to eat it.

I will try to get some videos of her doing some of these fun things when/if I find my camera. If not, we will have to figure something out.

PS We move to Denver in exactly 2 weeks.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Come Here Kenzie!

Mackenzie's little cousin Joseph is so cute with her. We went to Joe and Tina's house earlier this week and when we first walked in, I said something to Joe and I here little Joseph's voice come from upstairs. He yelled "Meredith's here" or something like that. It was so funny that he just heard me say hi and knew who it was. That little boy is so cute.

Well we went up to the master bedroom because Joe was painting downstairs (there house is finally on the market YAY!). While Tina and I were hanging out with the kids, Joseph wanted to play with Mackenzie. He wanted her to come to his little hideout place. She wouldn't move even though he kept telling her to "Come here Kenzie!"

Here is a cute video of him trying to get her to crawl to him.

I can HELP!

I have been in Mackenzie's room trying to put away old clothes and get new stuff out once again. Mackenzie decided she really wanted to help me. Oh she did all right. She helped me to have a lot more work. She was sitting on one side of my leg and I was trying to go through her socks because many of them are too small and just fall off her feet. The bin that I was putting the good socks in was on the other side of my leg.

Mackenzie was very interested to see if I kept all the socks she liked to wear/eat. So she went exploring. I was busy, so I didn't notice, but she picked up the bin and dumped it over her head.

She just wants to be into EVERYTHING, but it is so CUTE!

Oh I forgot one thing...Then she wanted to see if the socks still tasted the same as she remembered.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What were they thinking?

Whoever said "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" never had a baby who won't sleep. I have decided it should go more like "What doesn't kill you only makes you more exhausted and want to die". Any one else agree?

Mackenzie is going to bed around 7 or 8 depending on when she naps during the day. She wakes up around 12, 2, 5, and then is up around 7 or 8 depending.


I am still working so I have to be up around 6 and then out the door by 7:30. I just can't wait until the summer because then I can sleep in the morning until Mackenzie wakes up.