Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mackenzie's #2

Ok, so I am a bad mom!  Mackenzie had her second birthday 2 1/2 months ago and I haven't blogged about it!  Well, here are some pictures to show her party...and then I will right more.  But this was just a party for Mommy, Daddy, and Mackenzie.  We didn't do a big party this year like we did last year.

Mackenzie helped me decorate her cake!

She loved blowing out her candles...we sang to her 3 times so she could blow out her candles.  Yeah, she wouldn't blow out her candles unless we sang Happy Birthday. 

She got some cute sunglasses.

And some awesome new tennis shoes.

A new baby doll.

And then she ate her cake.  Most kids are funny because they get really messy, but not mine.  When she gets messy she gets upset and tells me she needs a napkin!

Grandma Rankin sent Mackenzie 2 new blankets.  Her other one is kinda falling apart because she carries it with her every where we go!  So Thanks Grandma
We also had a party for Mackenzie when we went to my parents house a few weeks later.  For some reason I don't have those pictures but I will have to get those and write about that later. 


Michelle said...

Ummmm you think you are a bad mom for not blogging about it? We didn't even really CELEBRATE Nathan's 2nd Birthday because life was too crazy. I still feel AWFUL about it and may have to make it up by celebrating 2 1/2!

Katie said...

Her blankets are precious. The question is, will she tote these ones around now, or still insist on using the original blankie?

Meredith said...

She uses them all...

The one she is laying on in "big blankie"

The one on top of her is "little blankie"

and her old one is Grandma's blankie...she will tell me which one she wants.