Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Sweetest Conversation

Tonight I was putting Mackenzie to bed and she has been having major problems with "scaries" in her room at night.  We have tried everything and it hasn't really helped. 
But as I was putting her down for the 3rd time I told her she really needed to go to bed...I had checked everywhere and there were no scaries.  So then here is our conversation.
Me: Remember if you get scared just ask Heavenly Father to help you feel safe.
Kenz: I already did, but what is his number in case I need him again.
Me: He doesn't have a number, just say a prayer and he will be there.
Kenz: Well which number is his? Cause I will call him and talk to him.
Me: Honey, he doesn't have a number...just say a prayer and I promise he will be here and make you feel all better.
Kenz: I bet he has a cell phone so you need to find his number so I can call him.  Which number do I press on your phone? (I have the people she would normally call on speed dial, so she knows which number to press to call them).
Me: Ok, I will call him. (I pick up my phone and pretend to talk to Heavenly Father and tell her that he is on his way.
Kenz: Let me have the phone. (I give her the phone... She puts it up to her ear and  starts talking...after silence...) Mom he isn't on the phone.  You told a fib (we have been working on truth and fib). You need to call him right now!
Me: Honey I can't call him we can only talk to him by saying a prayer.  Do you want me to say a prayer with you?
Kenz: No, I just want you to find his cell phone number so I can talk to him and tell him I need him to come lay with me tonight.
I just love my little girl.