Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our Yard

So we have been working on our backyard trying to clear EVERYTHING out. The previous owners just let everything grow and didn't take care of it...so it left us with a TON of work. We have gotten started, but we have SOOO much more. We are just tearing everything out so we can start from scratch cause everything is so gross.
So here is before...
This is the back of our house...

This is a little wider view of the back of our house.
And here is after...
The back of our house alllll clean! Now we just have to dig out all the roots and stumps left behind...we will get to that very soon.

This is in the back corner of our yard...The shed will be painted at some point...it actually is nice inside it just looks gross on the outside. And the cement patio thing beside it was covers in overgrowth...so that is clean and will at some point be an awesome fire pit area!

And this is also an after shot. Adam ripped out a fenced area. The place between the patio and the yard (right behind Kenzie's slide had a wooden fence just like you can still see in te picture. He ripped it out (with his bare hands may I add...) to make it look so much more open!
And lastly, this is our white trash area of our backyard. This is on the patio and it is what we have ripped out so far. Well actually 1/2 the other 1/2 is on the side of our house. Yeah, we need to get a dumpster soon!
Wish us luck, cause we have SOOOO much more to do.


Anonymous said...

WOW what a difference! Makes the yard look a lot bigger! Can't wait to see the rest cleared out, along with some top-soil and mulch. Want be able to recognize it! Good luck with all the projects. Take lots of before and after shots!

I'm proud of both of you!

LoLo said...

Wow! Looks great! Good job!! :)