Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Finally pics from NC

Mackenzie and I went to NC for almost 3 weeks and had a great time. We were able to go for my nephews baby blessing. I just have to say that I have the greatest husband in the world. I go to my parents house for weeks and he loves me enough to let me go without complaining.

We had so much fun!

Mackenzie played with blocks. Poppy even built a bridge for her to crawl under...

Kenz ran around outside after church while the family was all taking pictures...

Kenz got dressed up for halloween and went to the trunk-or-treat at church...

We went to the planetarium and Aunt Katie put on a puppet show with Kenz...

We went to the park...

Mackenzie was teaching cousin Kaden how to play with his toy...

She hugged him...

and talked to him...

Got lots of treats out of the pantry...

Worked on her abs...

and helped cook dinner...
What a great time!


Anonymous said...

Oh what sweet memories! Wish you were still here. Can't wait until Christmas...Give her a hug and kiss from Gigi and Poppy.

Love you,

Hailey said...

ok so i am a terrible friend. i never called you that friday for a playdate. :-( i honestly forgot all about it. i promise, the next time you are here i am going to see you!