Monday, October 24, 2011

Tanner at 4 months

Tanner is already 4 months old.  I can't believe how fast he is growing!  We went to the doctor for his 4 months appointment on September we could bring Mackenzie for her 3 year appointment also.  He is such a precious little boy! 

At the doctor he weighed 16lbs and 10 oz.  and he was 24 1/2 inches long.

He is such a sweet kid.  He seems to be hungry all the time so we started rice cereal the same day as his appointment.  He is doing well with it now.  We have started other food also.  He has tried sweet potatoes (which he likes) and green beans (not his favorite).

He isn't doing as well with sleeping as he used to.  He used to only wake up once a night and now he is waking up 2, 3, or even 4 times at night.  I am soooo tired lately.  But I hope he gets better.  We just stopped swaddling him and he is sleeping on his stomach now.  So I will update about his sleeping after he get through a week or so of this.

Tanner has rolled over from his tummy to his back and his back to his tummy.  He doesn't do it often and Adam has still not seen him do either.  When you lay him on his back he moves all over the place.  I definitely can't leave him any where he can get hurt now. 

He is also spitting up a ton still.  He has acid reflux, but none of the medicine seemed to help.  None helped with the spitting up and one hurt his little tummy.  So we just deal with the spitting up.  And I don't mean just a lot of spit up.  I am talking about waterfalls of spit up flying everywhere.  It is projectile and he goes through 4 or 5 soaking wet outfits a day.  He also goes through about 3 cloth diaper spit up cloths everyday.  It is so hard to keep myself, him, the floor, and our chairs clean when he spits up.  I just feel so bad for him and am amazed he is still gaining weight.

He is in basically all size 6 month clothes, but also wears a few 9 and 12 month pieces.

He is starting to enjoy little toys and he laughs out loud when Kenzie plays with him.  He is so cute when he laughs.  He also talks a TON!  When he is done nursing he just lays back and talks to me.

We just can't imagine life without him!  He is such a precious boy.

He has also found his toes.

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