Monday, August 3, 2009

10 Months Old

I can't believe she has hit the double digits already! I feel like she was born only a few months ago.
Mackenzie is now

17 pounds
28 inches ish...

She is standing on her own and trying to start walking. Yesterday, she actually took 6 steps at a friends house, so we didn't have our video camera with us. I will have to get her on tape next time. I also have decided on a new nickname. She will now be called Monkey! Yesterday at church she wanted to get to the people who were sitting behind us so she climbed just as hard as she could over me. She used every surface to climb and step(my lap, stomach, chest, shoulders). She also has started throwing a fit when she doesn't get her way.
The other day, she was playing with our entertainment center. She was opening the doors (they have a glass inlay and also spring loaded hinges) and letting go of the door so that it would close hard. Well, I pulled her away from it and kinda popped her hand to let her no that was a bad thing. She decided she didn't want to stop or to have her hand popped so she threw herself on the floor (sitting up) and pouted her lips and screamed while throwing her arms in her lap. She was seriously mad at me the rest of the day.

Oh the joys of starting toddlerhood.

She loves to read books. She brings me books to read and hands them to me numerous times until I read the book about 10 times. She also likes to sit on the floor and "read" books by herself for a while.
She can give high fives and loves to clap her hands when she is happy or when she sees/hears people clap.

We do have a problem with her eating. She isn't interested. She really doesn't like to eat. It doesn't matter what we feed her. She does not like sitting in her high chair. We have gotten up to eating about and half cup of oatmeal and cinnamon applesauce for breakfast, 1 chicken nugget for lunch, and a size 2 baby food of a "meal".

No this isn't what I feed her everyday, but that is about the most she eats. She still nurses about 3-5 times a day, but she that doesn't last very long. I doubt it helps with any weight gain. As you can tell, she hasn't really gained wait in a while.

If anyone has any ideas, they would be appreciated. When she is done eating she gets really upset and won't open her mouth when food comes near it. When she is feeding herself she will put the food in her mouth and then reach in and pull it out over and over when she is done.
The only way she will eat for real is when she eats off of mine and Adam's plates when she is walking around and out of her high chair. I don't want to teach her that she can eat wherever she wants to.
Also, she isn't a great sleepers still. She wakes up once or twice a night. I am exhausted still, but I wake up with her and feed her because I feel like she is starving. When she is hardly eating during the day, she needs to eat if she is willing during the night.
She loves talking on the phone and will actually take the phone from me and put it up to her ear and say HI HI HI HI HI.

She now says Hi, Bye, Dada, and then lots of other babble.
She is getting so big and loves being around lots of people. She really hasn't gone through stranger anxiety which is wonderful. She loves it when people pay attention to her, and works hard to get your attention if you aren't watching her.
I had lots of fun videos to put up here, but they aren't working, so I will work on that later.


Michelle said...

Cute girl! She is looking more and more like Adam now (well, a mixture of both of you guys, rather than JUST you). I hope she is sleeping and eating better for you soon. I wish we could get Nathan and Mackenzie together - I bet they would have fun playing together!

And yeah, tantrums/random crying is not fun. Sometimes I miss my sweet, little baby. Only, there were hard things about that stage too!

Anonymous said...

Your post made me laugh. Brings back memories for me as a Mom. She'll go through lots of different stages, and you'll look back through some of them and wonder how you survived (like the sleepless nights!), but somehow you do. I'm still waiting for the cute videos and a dress up picture as a 10 month old. For me please?

Love you,

Katie said...

I can't believe how grown up she is getting. Tantrums already? lol