Monday, October 10, 2011

Mackenzie is 3!!

I cannot believe my little girl is already 3 years old.  We had a birthday party for her a week early so that her Gigi and Nana would for sure be here to celebrate. 

We had a really fun Dora the Explorer birthday party.  I asked Mackenzie for a few months what she wanted her birthday theme to be and it was also Dora!  So that was it.

We sent Dora invitations to her friends and she got lots of Dora presents for her birthday.

Here are some pictures from her party.

Enjoying Lunch...we had hot dogs and chips.

A few of the kids enjoying the "kids table"

Happy Birthday girl!

Playing at the party

We made binoculars to be an explorer like Dora

They had a great time "exploring" the back yard.

Still exploring everything they can find.

Dora birthday cake

The birthday girl with her cake

She got DOLLARS!

Gigi gave Kenzie lots of Dora for her birthday

Nana gave her a "pink potamus".  It is a pillow and sleeping bag.
We had a great time at her birthday party!  Thanks for everyone who came to help us celebrate.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Very cute! How fun that your mom and grandmother could be there too!