Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mining for Emeralds

Well, we did end up going to the mountains to go emerald mining! It was such a blast. My dad took Adam, me, Tyler (my brother) and his fiance Lauren. We had such a good time. This isn't really my mom's thing so she stayed home as well as Chad and Katie (who just drove across the country and arrived the evening before we left) and Cameron who just didn't want to go.

We all found some fun things and I even found a fun emerald I am having cut so I can mount it in a piece of jewelry. Sorry, I didn't get a picture of the rock...I should have, but I will take a picture when I get it back, which could be 6 months from now!
The trip was really long, and we did get a little dirty, but what a great time to spend with family!!!
Enjoy the pictures!
Here is Dad in the Lapidary where they look at your gems and tell you if they can cut it or not.
Here is me in front of the Lapidary before we got started!
Adam, Tyler, and Lauren all working away to find their treasure.
Adam looking hard.
Tyler on his search.
Lauren standing up...she was into this whole finding gems thing!


Anonymous said...

Meredith didn't exactly find the emerald that she is getting cut. I found it thank you very much! Obviously whats mine is hers in this relationship, especially lately. I seem to loose t-shirts all the time and somehow mysteriously they are found in her drawers. I wonder if that is a coincidence or not!

Merde said...

ummm...I beg to differ...the one that is being cut is the one I FOUND IN MY TRAY!!!!!

Merde said...

ok, we discussed it and came to the conclusion that it was in Adam's tray as he was loading it up with dirt...I saw it and grabbed it before he was able to sit back we BOTH found it!

Michelle said...

haha - you two are funny. Oh and I love that you are wearing Adam's clothes! Seriously, I love wearing Jeff's clothing right now...they always fit and don't dig in anywhere! lol :)