Friday, June 19, 2009

A day with Mackenzie

I got this idea from a friends blog (thanks Cassie). I thought I would follow Mackenzie around for a day with my NEW camera. (We are pretty sure that when someone came to look at our apartment in Utah that someone swiped my camera, since I always left it out so I could take quick pictures.)
We wake up about 6:30 ready to play. Mackenzie is so excited when Mommy opens to door.
Then it is time for breakfast! Oatmeal is soooo tasty.
After breakfast Mommy is trying to clean up breakfast so Mackenzie goes straight for her toys and is so excited to stare at Playhouse Disney for a while (We love Mickey Mouse and Pooh and Tigger).
Now it is time to take her toys out of the box and chew on them!
Mommy, what are you doing? Are you taking my picture?
I see that camera in your hand...GIVE IT TO ME! (Yes, we are both in our PJs)

Now we have both gotten dressed and ready for the day and it is REALLY time to play. So she tries to knock over her box of toys until Mommy goes and actually dumps it out. She loves crawling in the box and getting EVERYTHING out.

Oh wait...Playhouse Disney is still on.... MICKEY!!!!!
The blinds are probably the coolest thing EVER.
Now we move to her room. I have been working very slowly trying to get her room exactly like I want it. It takes a while because when I put something up, it usually ends up on the floor about 2 minutes later.
Mom, why did you put these socks up when you knew I wanted to eat them!

Oh books! I want to read these too.

Yeah, I turn all the pages so I can read the whole book.


Heather said...

I love this idea. I am going to copy you and do it with Jack.

Michelle said...

What about the crying/meltdowns? Oh wait, maybe that doesn't happen, right? haha ;) Love the pictures! I'm glad you got a new camera - how sad that your old one got stolen! Oh, and Nathan's room is totally the messiest room in our house for the same reason as Mackenzie's. He watches me straighten things up and then goes straight over to them and empties his drawers/shelves all over the floor.