Monday, June 8, 2009


I still haven't found my camera, so I have no pictures, but I just thought I would say hello from Denver.

We just got internet today, and I am so excited I am connected to the world again.

My little Kenzie is now 8 months old and into EVERYTHING!

Her stats:
Height-27 1/2 inches (75 percentile)
Weight- 15 lbs. 15 oz. (10 percentile)

She is SOOOO little. She really doesn't look that skinny, but she is definitely light when you pick her up. She is crawling all over the place. She is walking when she holds on to anything. She still has NO teeth. I think she is teething, but at this point I have no idea. I "thought" she was teething a few times now, but she has no teeth, so I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Mackenzie is talking constantly saying:
ba, da, ma, ya, na, ga
she blows raspberries and bubbles
she also loves gurgling.

She loves to laugh when we tickle her or do silly things to entertain her.

She still isn't sleeping very well. If she wakes up less than twice a night it is a GREAT night. (yes we have tried everything)

She feeds herself, but would much rather haveme feed her with a spoon.

She pulls herself up on furniture and can now also sit down gently without falling.

She loves to help mommy, by "helping" I mean she likes to dump everything out so mommy can clean things and put them back where they belong.

I can't think of anything else right now, but if I do, I will blog about it.

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