Monday, May 5, 2008

The Joys of Technology

So we all speak of how much we love technology, and don't get me wrong, I love it too, it just is SOOOOOO aggravating when it doesn't treat you well.

While my family was here, Adam's cell phone got this weird message on it that said something to the effect of initial programming required. This was very strange considering he has had the phone for over a year! He couldn't do anything with his phone. He couldn't answer calls or anything with the message on it. So Saturday night we went into Verizon to see what they could do to fix his phone.

We walk back to the technical support desk and explain the situation. The tech guy takes the phone and gets this really confused look on his face. Of course, this is NEVER good since he was supposed to be the one helping us. He then returns the phone to Adam's hands and says your hard drive is ruined and there is nothing we can do. You are supposed to be our customer service people and there is nothing you can do?!?! Then he says, let me look up your warranty on the phone...of ended last month, so we can't help you there. Then he says well you can pay $20 and renew your plan with us. Adam and I look at each other just thinking fine, we like Verizon's coverage and everything so why not renew our contract.

We then go to look at the phones...THEY ARE RIDICULOUS! The phone that I have had for over a year...and is nothing special was over $100. There was nothing of decent price. So we ended up buying Adam a new Blackberry Pearl because that is what he wanted anyways. It was only like $30 more than the other crappy phones they had there, so why not right! This is just ridiculous to me though, that they don't have something else, as a company, they can do!

Well, at least Adam is happy with his new phone. He has been playing with it since he got it!

Sometimes I just HATE TECHNOLOGY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.