Monday, September 22, 2008

40 weeks and still pregnant!

We are still here and still pregnant.
Adam and I took this picture right before church thinking this was probably our last Sunday as nonparents. Now, we have no idea what is going to happen.
This is me tonight. I am 40 weeks pregnant and am still pregnant!
I went to the doctor today and we don't really have any new news. I am feeling contractions and things are sorta happening, but we are still just playing the waiting game. I have another appointment made for next Monday, but everyone, including the doctor, are praying we don't go back to the office then. Hopefully we will see each other in the hospital VERY SOON!!! If I do not go into labor by next Tuesday which is officially a week after my due date, I will be induced on that day. We are just counting the days/hours until our little girl makes her way into the world!
I am miserable though...
Now that I have made it this far, everything is uncomfortable. Sleeping hurts, my hips feel like they are dislocated from my body, my back aches, I can't move, and I even wake up very nauseous every morning.
Mom and I have been walking a lot the last couple of days and even walked 2 different times today. I am doing what I can to get things on the way, but it doesn't seem to be working yet. We will just have to keep trying.
That is all that is going on now. I will let you all know as soon as anything happens!


snow said...

Trying the old "walk that baby til it comes" trick. Don't think it worked for me. Have you checked out the almanac for the next full moon -- from working at a hospital for several years, I found the full moon really does increase activity for healthcare people;)

Read a good book as that's one of the first things to "go"once the bundle arrives.

Thanks for the updates:)

Alison Russell said...

haha yeah, now you look like you're ready to have a baby.. at least in the picture you do! no like at 38 weeks where you still didn't look like you were 36weeks pregnant yet!
love you guys!

Ashley said...

good luck with everything! i would give you advice....butttt....
i'm ready for her to come as well!!!

good luck with everything

ps..i have a new blog address~

Michelle said...

Oh man! I am secretly (thought not so secretly now) hoping your little one comes on the 24th so that it is exactly 2 months after Nathan! But really, let's hope she comes today so you don't have to wait until tomorrow! Good luck!!! She'll be here before you know it...even though it doesn't feel that way yet!

Katie said...

Hmmmmm...Have you tried telling her about the shoes? Tell her about the shoes. I'm sure they'll draw her right out of the womb. Who wouldn't want to dress her baby footsies in such fashionable foot apparel???

Amy said...

Hang in there, Meredith! I was so hoping that Ashton would come before he did, but no such luck. I sympathize with you. The end of the pregnancy is just miserable. But you will have your sweet little girl in your arms soon enough. And she will be well worth the wait. I know your mom is ready, too. A few weeks ago, she held Ashton and looked ready to eat him up! Good luck!!