Thursday, January 15, 2009

Grabbing at EVERYTHING!... and a horrible night.

So 2 days ago Mackenzie really made me laugh. I just wish I had taken a picture. Since I have her all afternoon by myself, she and I went on a little trip. We were going to Target and to Costco to pick up a few things like groceries and new bottles. I was actually hoping that she would fall asleep on the ride because that is what she usually does. Normally, if we are in the car for more than 2 minutes she is asleep.

Well this trip was different.

We drove to Target, she was still awake. We went through the store for about 30 minutes, she was still awake. We got back in the car and drove to Costco, she was still awake.

At this point I had given up on her going to sleep, so I just enjoyed being with her. We shopped for a lot of meat at Costco because our freezer was empty. Luckily, she was really happy and just watching the world around her.

Then we get home from Costco and I have a ton of groceries...and great neighbors.

Seeing that Adam wasn't with me, my neighbors Julie and Emily helped me to bring all the groceries into the kitchen from my car. It is so wonderful to have good people around.

When I walked in with my first load, I had her on an arm also. I had also been eating a sandwich in the car that was wrapped up in a paper towel. I thought it would be safe if I put the sandwich wrapped up on her feet (on top of the blanket covering her feet) while she was in her car seat and I finished putting things away. Julie and Emily hung around to see the baby, so when I turned around after putting milk in the fridge we all looked down and Mackenzie wanted to be nosey.

She had reached and kicked at the sandwich at her feet. The paper towel was off of the sandwich and in her mouth. The sandwich was laying at her feet with crumbs everywhere. What is going on? I had fed her just an hour or 2 earlier! I guess she just wanted to know what a paper towel tasted like.

It makes me laugh when she sticks EVERYTHING in her mouth. Anything she can get her hands on, including my hair, her toys, her hands, her binky (not the part you normally suck on), her blanket, EVERYTHING! I guess I just might as well get used to it cause this will be going on for a very long while.

Next, her horrible night...

Last night was the worst night we have had with Mackenzie since she has been here with us. Something was wrong and we couldn't figure it out. The only two options we had were she wasn't feeling good, or she was just so extremely tired, nothing worked.

There was no nap at around 5 like there is normally everyday. I tried and rocked and bounced and did everything I could, but to no avail.

So around 7:30/8 she started getting really fussy, so we decided to get her ready for bed. We gave her a bath, put on her PJs and I fed her and sang to her. Then she fell asleep about 8:30. We were so grateful, but by 9, she was awake and angry! We don't know what happened.

Adam went to work and I stayed home to get her to sleep once more. It really didn't work very well. She slept on and off until 1:30 AM. She would sleep for 10-15 mins and then wake up crying again. No matter what I did. Even if I was holding her she wouldn't sleep very long.

Finally, at around 1:30 when she woke up, I knew Adam was home and not asleep yet. I took Mackenzie downstairs and gave her to him. I just needed a full hour of sleep. Adam agreed, but kept her for longer. I AM SO GRATEFUL! At around 3 AM he finally came upstairs with her asleep in his arms. He passed her to me and I slept with her in my arms until 6 AM when my alarm went off for work. These are the days I REALLY wish I was a stay at home mom.

She woke up with me, so I fed her and layed her in Adam's arms to go back to sleep. While I was getting ready downstairs I heard Adam start walking around and heard her crying. I feel so bad for both of them. I think I am going to go home early from work today to be around. I will just have to bring stuff home so that I can finish all my lessons for next week.

I really hope she is doing better and that Adam got a little sleep this morning after I left.


Michelle said...

I love the image of her with the paper towel in her mouth! :) I guess she thought it seemed more interesting than the sandwich!

So I realized the other day that the next time we see Makenzie she will probably be walking! It's so weird to think about!! So definitely keep blogging so we can at least hear about her and see pictures as she grows up far away!

Also, sorry about the rough night! At least the week is almost over!

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish you had a picture of Mackenzie with the paper towel in her mouth. As you know, you're in for lots of months of her putting everything in her mouth. Brings back memories of you as a baby (and the boys too). Sorry about your rough night. Hope she has a better day today. Wish I could help.
